BNA Body Building Tablets

Help You Gain Strength and Muscle--Banish Fat



You can lose 2 to 3 pounds weekly without being hungry by making BNA Extra Protein Reducing Tablets a regular part of your diet. BNA Reducing Tablets supply all the elements your body needs for building, maintenance and repair, in a very low calorie, concentrated

Your doctor will tell you that you can reduce faster on a three meal a day diet containing.complete, extra proteins, than you can on a diet containing exactly the same number of calories, but less proteins.

Take ten Extra Protein Tablets before each meal. You'll be well nourished and the fat will melt away. Try this extra protein method of reducing if you are overweight; recommend these tablets to overweight friends and relatives. Excess fat is dangerous. Fat people don't live long. A month's supply of these tablets, approximately 1,000, $5.00, prepaid.

BNA HI-PRO 90 Made up of purest forms of natural protein: white of egg protein, more than 90% pure protein; curd of milk, commercially known as Casseine powder, rates at 88% protein, and specially prepared soya powder containing as high as 15% lecithin, nerve, muscle and tissue builder. The human brain contains 17% lecithin. Therefore BNA HiPro contains almost pure protein. It ranks as the finest high protein product science can produce. It will supply your body with the elements it needs for rapid growth, will help you build big, hard muscles fast, help you enjoy perfect health. A month's supply-$5.00 postpaid.

BNA RICE GERM OIL CONCENTRATE TABLETS BNA Rice Germ Oil tablets are made from a concentrate of the non-fatty acids, as found in the oil of the Rice grain or Germ. Nutritional deficiencies have resulted due to the lack of using the entire germ in our preparation of Cereal grains, and almost completely neglecting to eat organic and glandular meats; liver, kidney, sweetbreads, pancreas and other internal organs.

Rice Germ Oil has a rare ability to improve the hormone balance of men or women. So when there a failure to respond to a training program, as rapidly as expected or desired, the cause is often the result of a lack of hormone balance. When a person is tired or weak physically and sexually, it is often caused by this same hormone unbalance.

500 tablets of Rice Germ Oil Concentrate are priced at $12.00. 200 tablets, $6.00.



If you are tired and lacking in energy, perhaps you are anemic, do not have enough red corpuscles. These very large size tablets contain generous amounts of Vitamin B12. Scientists say this is the most important vitamin. The tablets also contain liver and iron and could be the answer to your health and body building problems.


Price: 225 tablets, $5.00;

500 tablets, $10.00


P. O. BOX 185

BNA PROTAMIN TABLETS PROTAMIN tablets are designed to aid the system in the utilization of the maximum of the protein food which is a normal part of the diet. For greatest benefit, they should be used with a high, protein diet, a diet which is as complete as possible as to protein intake, a diet which includes milk, eggs, cereals, whole grains, soybeans, soya products and other beans. PROTAMIN TABLETS CONTAIN 86 TO 88% of extracted predigested protein taken from liver, amino acids, digested proteins, milk solids, Lactal-bumin, eggs and proteins extracted from soybeans. PROTAMIN, a dietary supplement, acts as a catalyst in assimilating and utilizing all proteins eaten.

When those who are unable to gain weight and muscle are already employing a good diet it is evident that there is a need for something to improve their metabolism and assimilation so that they can make desired gains. This product has already aided a great many body builders to gain strength, weight and muscle. It may be the answer to your problem. 1000 large sized tablets, each one averaging 470 Mgm of protein, dry weight, $10.00; 400 tablets, $5.00.


CONCENTRATE TABLETS Basically a soya product which contains two drops of pre-digested complete protein (86 to 88 per cent) per tablet. Contains all 22 amino acids, all 16 minerals and the entire vitamin family. Rich in lecithin, calcium, phosophorus and iron. Believed to be the most concentrated body building tablets made. 1000 tablets--$5.00


BNA SOYA MILK POWDER BNA Soya Milk Powder-4 lbs. for $4.00, makes 16 quarts of rich milk with 5 times as much protein as whole cow's milk, to build your strength, your muscles and your body. Three times as much important calcium, to strengthen your bones and your teeth. Three times as much iron, to build red blood. Hundreds of millions of the world's people have never tasted cow's milk, but have used soya milk all their lives. Costing about as much as whole cow's milk, quart for quart, with its unusual richness, it's an economical source of the best health and body building materials. Consume at least a pint of soya milk a day and see how much better you feel, and how much more strength and energy you have.

Make use of the BNA money-saving incentive buying plan. For each $25.00 worth of BNA products you purchase we will send you a free gift, a month's supply of Hi-Pro 90-in our opinion the best product advertised on this page. If your order totals $100.00 we will give you a 20% discount, because an order of this size saves us much office work, handling and shipping expense.

If you live west of the Mississippi, send 25 cents additional for each article you order to defray part of the high mailing cost.



The Iron Grapevine

(Continued from page 51)

perior strength, for it is to be expected that a record could be broken 24 years after. I am willing to come to the United States with this barbell and would like to be one of the referees of Anderson's feat just as I was one of the witnesses when CHARLES RIGOULOT first established the rec-



Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur.

DR. COLLISTER WHEELER, formerly WL Chairman in Portland, Oregon, recently dropped in to see us in York. One of the most active boosters of weightlifting in the early days-he served on the National WL Committee of the AAU from 1928 to 1952-he is still in the pink. of condition at 64 years of age. Dr. Wheeler has just retired from the Dental Corps of the U. S. Navy after 12 years active service. He served four years back in World War One.

Dr. Wheeler's club-the Multnomah A.C. was for many years the hub of weightlifting in the Northwest, and produced such stars as Arnie Sundberg (former lightand middleweight champion), Owen Carr and Al Tauscher. Both of the latter are still active at the Multnomah A.C. as physical directors.

While in service Dr. Wheeler carried a barbell with him, and made many converts for the game. He is now returning to the West Coast to join his family in San Francisco, and we imagine you barbell bugs out there will be seeing him in all the old familiar places the gyms and the WL Shows.


YOU CAUGHT US! We wondered when we printed the amazing muscle picture of India's Monotosh Roy on JCG's Training Problems page in the September issue just how many of you would spot our glaring error. Well, a lot of you did, and we can now confess it wasn't a biceps, it was a deltoid separation. But the deltoid apparently had moved down into the spot where the biceps are supposed to be. It was really a puzzle picture! Several of our readers thought the photo so exceptional they wanted to buy copies to hang on the wall of their gyms to amaze their friends.

ONE SMALL BOY who went swimming at Daytona Beach will always have reason to be thankful that the Weightlifters were there at the same time. He and another 10-year-old companion were pulled out beyond their depth by the undertow and it happened that JOHN TERLAZZO saw their heads disappear, and he and the Life Guard went after them.

Both were unconscious when brought to shore, but were revived. A close brush with Death for the boys, and one of them can be eternally grateful for the weighttrained muscles of Terlazzo, who courageously brought himself back to useful life and service after suffering a disabling wound in the European fighting in World War Two.

As our readers know, John conducts an outstanding health club at 19 West 44th. Street in New York City.

STEVE KLISANIN, currently operating his own barbell club in Coral Gables, Fla., at 4027 LeJeune Road, does a lot of week-end flying to appear at the vari-




ous Sports Illustrated Athletic Shows throughout the country. His fine coachinb job with the Iranian WL Team at the recent Olympics has so impressed other nations that the Mexican WL Federation recently asked him to come South of the Border to coach their team for two months prior to the 1958 Central American Games. How Steve will find time for this with all his other activities, we don't know-but we also know that like Bob Hope, "he has tux and loves to travel."

BRUCE PAGE, well-known barbell writer and enthusiast from Toronto, Canade, recently dropped in for one of hist periodic visits to the York Barbell Club. Bruce conducts a barbell class at the Y in Toronto, and has contributed many articles on the Iron Game to magazines all over the world. He seemed to enjoy his. stay with us very much, but wondered when we got our work done. We wonder too!

DAVE SHEPPARD has been working out almost every day in the York Gym the past month. He is trying to get his legs back into shape for a serious try at a World title in Teheran in November. He has done no lifting, but is doing bodybuilding and working on the thigh extension bench. Present indications are that he will build up his bodyweight again to the middle-heavyweight class. Only Time will tell how successful his training will be.

CAPTAIN PETER GEORGE, who announced his retirement at Daytona, has succumbed again to the lure of the weights, and a recent letter tells us that he will take one last fling at a world championship in November. Pete is training in Hawaii, along with Tommy Kono, and feels confident he can get in better form than ever before. His brother Jim is back in Akron, Ohio, this summer, training at his old club, Larry Barnholth's ACMWL, and expects to break several more world records before the year ends. DICK GILLER, former middleweight champ, who did some fine lifting at Daytona, is reputed to be about to engage in the construction business in Miami with Arland Fisher. Dick has often trained with Arland and Stan Stanczyk through the winter months at their Miami York A.C.

Our September Cover Girl, BEVERLY JOCHER ELLIOTT, recently appeared on the TV Panel Show To Tell The Truth, and, as usual, baffled the panelists, who tried to pick out the weightlifter from three girls, all of whom claimed to be Mrs. Elliott. There was no doubt in their minds however at the close of the act, when shapely Beverly neatly cleaned and jerked a 110 pound barbell. The puzzled judges asked Bev how she ever came to be a weightlifter and she told them she was "raised" that way. She grew up at Muscle Beach, and married another weightlifterBert Elliott. She has won a score of Beauty Contests.

Young MIKE FERRARO, who won the Mr. Teenager and Most Muscular title at the Berkeley Teenage WL Event, trains at Ken Stoller's York A.C. in Buffalo. He has been working out for 2 years-is now 18, and a senior at Burgard Vocational High School. This was his third title in 1957, previously winning the Mr. Niagara District and Mr. Great Lakes.


APOLOGY in the September Grapevine a sentence was printed that led several readers to infer that it was of an anti-semitic nature. We are sincerely sorry that this occurred because it had been blue-pencilled from the galley proofs, and was included only because of an error by the printers. STRENGTH AND HEALTH stands for fair play for everyone, regardless of race or religion, and we will not intentionally print anything that is offensive to anyone. Our policy is to tell the truth at all times about sensible physical training without bias and without fear or favor. This policy also guarantees that whenever we make a mistake, we will promptly admit it.


WHAT'S NEW IN YORK tion of the month Who Stole Bacon's Pants? Former Mr. America JULES BACON returned to his home at Brookside Park a few weeks back to find that thieves had broken in and stolen all his clothing, and various other valuables, Since Jules has long been known as one of York's bestdressed men-about-town, we are wondering if this was a sort of inside job, so to speak. Result of the catastrophe is that Jules, now that he has to buy all new clothes, has decided to build himself up into the heavyweight class. He weighed 1911⁄2 pounds on the gym scales last Tuesday. So if the robber reads these lines don't bother to bring the pants. back. They wouldn't fit Jules anyway. The GRIMEK family spent a week in New York in July (did you see Angela on Today?) and wore out their legs and shoes seeing all the museums and stuff. They also ran Sig Klein's pooch Schnappsie ragged and in general had a wonderful time. The main purpose of the Broadway Safari was to cram some culture into young heads, and to teach them that life was not all beefsteak and dumbells. Result: they came back with rested minds but tired feet. Visitors to York recently included a Physical Therapist with large muscles. Eager to get free treatments, the whole gang crowded around the operating table in the gym. Result: JCG and HBP still have sore backs. Nobody can tell us that the best things in life are free. HARRY UTTERBACK, our traffic man, and a former baseball player, spent his vacation watching the Baltimore Orioles. MIKE DIETZ farms 300 acres and attends to all the money matters for the various York enterprises, and is thinking of taking dancing lessons from Arthur Murray just to take care of a spare halfhour every other Thursday. Captain GEORGE SHANDOR has now made the rounds of the desks during others' vacations and is about to go to Reserve Officers Training Camp. The swimming pools of York will miss him. STEVE STAŃKO has changed his exercise routine and looks better than ever. He is doing seated presses behind neck and his deltoids are bulging. Nobody knows how big his arms are because nobody has ever seen a tape measure in the York gym. DICK BACHTELL is still week-ending at his Mountain retreat in West Virginia and waiting eagerly for the hunting season to bust loose. Ever since that guy shot an elephant with a bow and arrow, Archer Dick has been day-dreaming of going on an African Safari. He figures that if he could catch two elephants standing side by side, he might get 'em both with one arrow. Strange sight in the Gym... DAVE SHEPPARD doing nothing but light (Continued on page 54)

The only PENTHOUSE Club in New York. SKYTOP HEALTH CLUB, Inc. 46 stories above the heart of Manhattan 450 SEVENTH AVE. at 34TH ST. Personal instruction for Men and Women under supervision of RAY SWOBODA Telephone LO-4-5321 YORK PRODUCTS AVAILABLE


22-24 West Chelten Ave. Philadelphia 44, Pa. (Phone VI 4-9658) Body building, corrective exercise and reducing for men and women.



Body Building Weight Reducing Conditioning Personal Instruction 218 W. Charles St. Baltimore 23, Md.

40 W. Davenport, Detroit, Michigan. (Phone TEmple 1-2626)

If you live in Detroit and vicinity, you will save time and $$$$ by ordering equipment from George Yacos. York Big 12 Special.....$46.50 York 7 in ......

York 110-pound Deluxe combination




York 160-pound Deluxe combination ................ 34.50



New York City

19 W. 44th St.

(Near 5th Avenue)

MUrray Hill 2-2395 Individual supervision... weight-gaining.... reducing ...body-building


"The South's Best-Equipped Gymnasium" All York Sets Available. Hi-Proteen Products. Sun Tan Lotion. Call Miami 78-2405 and ask for Arland Fisher.

ART GAY'S GYM 102-104 Broadway Rochester, N. Y.


1314 Walnut St... Philadelphia, Pa.

593 N. W. 62nd St. MIAMI, FLORIDA

Al Roy's Strength & Health Studios 208 Oklahoma Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ray Maddock's Long Island W.L. Club 611 Hicksville Road Bethpage, L. I., N. Y.


Business and professional men use this attractive, well equipped gymnasium to obtain physical improvement and keep fit. All members are in structed personally by this renowned physical training expert and champion athlete, Sixmund Klein, His fainternationally mous weight training gym is conveniently located at 717 Seventh Ave. (near West 48th Street) in New York City. Telephone-JUdson
